Upcoming Events

  • Province Bonspiel - Sun 16-3-25 @ 12.45 & 15.00
  • Waldie Griffiths v Border Province AT KELSO Date & Time TBC
  • Edinburgh Area Bonspiel - Date & Time TBC
  • Website last updated 26-2-25

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

CV-19 and the AGM

As should be obvious the AGM has been 'postponed'.
Please see the letter below for information from our President:-

Dear members,
We are swimming in uncharted waters at the present moment but I do hope you are all well and keeping safe.
Our AGM was originally scheduled for Wednesday 20
th May in Haddington but as time goes by it is looking more and more unlikely with the restrictions placed on us by COVID-19 now and in the foreseeable future.
I have consulted with the Province elected officials and we are agreed that we need to postpone the AGM until such time as the situation clears and we are able to hold meetings again. We could of course hold a virtual meeting over the internet but as nothing is desparately urgent and I know many of you have been unable to hold your own meetings we will hold out until nearer the start of the season if we can. With this in mind I propose that until such time as we are able to hold the AGM all elected officials will continue in their present position.
Whilst we do not know the timing of requests for ice from Murrayfield we need to be ready to book our ice allocation; with this in mind could you please indicate to our Secretary John
your entry as a club to the following competitions.
Province Knockout: maximum 1 team per club.
Province Pairs: maximum 1 team per club.
Province Bonspiel: maximum of 2 teams per club.
Competitions such as the Edinburgh Area Bonspiel, Border's Challenge and the Waldie Griffith will be arranged separately unless you as a club indicate otherwise.
As winners of the Province Knockout in season 2019-2020 I will be asking Haddington Curling Club if they would be willing to represent East Lothian Province at the Scottish Curling Province Championships at Greenacres on 6th-8th November 2020.
Can you please indicate
by the end of April your club's intention to enter the Province internal competitions listed above along with the number of rinks.
In the meantime I wish you and your families well in the hope that we can get back to some normality sooner rather than later.
With best wishes.

Ian Donald
President 2019-2020

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