Upcoming Events

  • Edinburgh Area Bonspiel - Date & Time TBC
  • Website last updated 21-3-25

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Summer Housekeeping

Firstly, we welcome our new secretary, Elinor Logan and say farewell to Roy Black who has done an excellent job of 'running' the Province aver the last 4 years.  You have big shoes to fill Elinor.

We also say hello to some new club secretaries and where these are known they have been added to the 'About Us' tab.  If anyone knows any additional changes, please let Graeme know.

We have also had our ice allocation for 2017/18 and the dates for our competitions has been added to the 'Fixtures and Draws' tab.  The draws will be added after the next committee meeting when the draw will be made.